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Management Consulting Services

Imperia provides management consulting and strategic direction leading to operational efficiency and profit/value enhancement.

Imperia’s management consulting services include:

Business Planning

Business Valuation

Value Optimization

Financial Modeling


Business Planning

Imperia offers full business plan services to clients. The written document will be supplemented by a detailed financial model. The goal is provision of strategic direction leading to enhanced returns and shareholder value.


Business Valuation

Formal business valuations are required for numerous reasons including mergers, acquisitions, divestures, business reorganization, shareholder disputes and estate planning. Imperia provides clients with a formal notional business valuation at the current date or a historical date based on fair market value according to established and accepted business valuation theory. Imperia is also able to provide advice to optimize value during the process.


Value Optimization

As part of its financial plan, every company should have methods and strategies to enhance revenues, reduce costs, increase profit and increase company value. Imperia assists clients with this process in two ways:

  1. Profit Optimization: Imperia deconstructs the profit dynamic into 8 key factors or "levers" which may be manipulated strategically to optimize profit.
  2. Line Item Optimization: Imperia goes through each line item on the client’s financial statements and advises ways to optimize.


Financial Modeling

One of the most important skills required by CEOs and business managers is a firm understanding of the financial metrics of their business. With respect to their company, managers need to know where they stand and where they are going. Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Imperia helps clients create a financial model for their business to track operations and create financial projections.

Key features of the model include:

  1. “dashboard” results tracking for management, and
  2. pro-forma results of the simulation of a wide range of business assumptions in a non-risk environment.


Need help with licensing?

Filing a Product License Application in Canada for a natural health product (NHP) can be a complex, time-consuming process. Multi-ingredient products may require dozens of documents (supporting safety, efficacy and quality) and hundreds of pages. Imperia can assist your licensing efforts using PhD medicinal chemistry expertise and a decade of regulatory experience to speed the process and maximize success. Imperia’s own portfolio of 500+ licenses shows its success. Consider Imperia as the best NHP licensing firm to help you with your NHP licensing needs. For assistance, please contact Imperia today.











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